Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Music isn't Music.

After skimming over some renowned musicians' music background, I was like 'Whoa!!! Incredible!!!
(Salute to show my esteem)

However, I'm just and still an average and might be considered as a dismal music student.

(Effing sad)

Nowadays my imperfect pitch is getting more imperfect.
There are some music techniques i need to amend and hone too.
Bad habits, poor technique and other performance faults...
While my intonation on cello is also a bit of a handicap, nevertheless there is also positive. Bowing technique is getting much much better, Ms. Alison Lim, i finally grasped the principle of 90 degree.
I find that it is enormously useful to practise cello in front of a mirror or playing with a cellist who is solid enough. Trust me, these are really pragmatic.

...These problems lie in tutors or myself???...

Anyway, i still need music tutors who can really lead me to professional practice or orchestral practice as you know MPYO will be my next destination. But... but... due to financial limited, transport, time etc, that is how it should be for the moment.

Many people dream of becoming rock stars or whatever artists, although gaining fame and reputation and fortune is quite tough, dream to become a musician is more realistic and achievable right? Read on to learn the skills required to become a musician.
- Patience
- Good sense of timing and rhythm
Developing an ear for the Pitch of different notes
- Most Important, the motivation to Practice
- Amazingly good looks


OS: Seng Yuan the Brian, aka Er-hu player who is yearn to become a violist in MPYO, let's work hard together!

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